In order purchase "RX Required" products from ApriaDirect, your prescription will always require a minimum of the following:
Physician's contact information
- Physician's NPI
Physician's signature
Patient's full name
- Patient's Date of Birth
- Date prescription was written
Based on the product(s) you are purchasing, your prescription will also require:
- CPAP or APAP Machine (Single Pressure Setting)
Diagnosis (obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, mixed sleep apnea)
- Single pressure setting of the machine (fixed setting)
Duration (most CPAP prescriptions come with a lifetime prescription)
- If a humidifier is included in the prescription
Mask/delivery system (usually indicates that patient can choose preference of mask)
- APAP Machine Only (Two puressure Settings)
- APAP (or auto CPAP machines) will require a pressure range with two settings; minimum pressure and maximum pressure
Diagnosis (obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, mixed sleep apnea)
Duration (most CPAP prescriptions come with a lifetime prescription)
- If a humidifier is included in the prescription
Mask/delivery system (usually indicates that patient can choose preference of mask)
- CPAP Equipment
- A statement of either "CPAP equipment" or "CPAP supplies"
- Bongo RX Device
- A statement of either "Bongo" or "EPAP"
- Nebulizers
- Portable Oxygen Concentrators
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